Mom: My word for 2018 is sticking.
Me: MOM! I told you not to tell anyone until December 31st.
Mom: (Laughing hilariously)
Me: What?
Mom: No! My word is not STICKING, it's that the word I have chosen remains the word I want to use!
Me: (Laughing hilariously)
Mom: My word is nailed.
Me: MOM!!!
Mom: (Laughing again) No, no, know what I mean!
Happy almost 2018! At first I wrote 2017 for the title and the greeting! Yep, nope, it's almost 2018!!!!!! Can I get a shout out for a new year? A clean slate? A fresh start? Yes!!!!!
So today is the day that we post our Words of the Year on the blog. Please, for all of us, post it in the comments section below because THAT WAY...we all get to learn about each of our inspiring words!!
What is a Word of the Year? It is a word that you choose to help guide and direct and comfort and move you toward your highest self, your greatest needs, your precious desires.'s just a word to have fun with throughout the year to remind you of beauty, fun and love!
Now read that paragraph above again...look how many words you could choose from that alone if you haven't already thought of one!
So a bit about my word for 2018 and then on to yours!!
I had so many potential words this year that it made my head spin! I considered the word amalgamation to include them all, however, that just reminded me of the dentist.
A couple of days ago I asked a friend a question that I knew was unanswerable...or so I thought. I said, "What word will let me know that everything will work out and I will accomplish what I desire?" Without skipping a beat, and I don't believe even 2 seconds went by, she said, "Faith".
My word for 2018 is FAITH. It brings me great peace, which is what I am wanting more of and feels just right. Thank you friend and Universe for guiding me to this word in the final moments of 2017!
AND NOW...never start a sentence with and....YOUR WORD OF THE YEAR!
Please post your word in the comments section below and please feel free to share with us how you chose your word! Can't wait to read your postings!!
BTW...if you need help choosing a word email or call me!!
And's time for your actual word posting now!
May you be richly blessed, comforted, cared for, loved, listened to, heard, hugged, and kept in God's protection and prosperity in 2018!