Life is a mix. Our relationships with the world and the people in it are dynamic and ever changing. One minute we are mindful of each other, and the next minute we are unmindful.
Recently, as I was driving around town, I was amazed at how many people in cars let me go ahead of them or let me enter into a long line that I otherwise would still be waiting to enter. Everyone was so kind that I noticed the loving kindness.
The next day...well, you know.
Life and people -- us people -- are not always consistent, not always present.
As a minor and first world example -- because we each have very big examples of this point -- I went into two craft stores and asked for help from customer service. In store #1 when I asked about their products, the women workers said they had no idea what I was looking for and had never heard of the product. After the manager shrugged her shoulders and walked away, rather than walking out and leaving, I spoke up, "Do you think we could look up the product online? The internet says you have the product." Another worker said, "I'll do it," and added, "but you will have to follow me to another department." She trudged off.
It took everything in my being not to say "isn't this your job?"
But I kept thinking of the years of mindfulness training that I have experienced. What a waste if I didn't put all that education into practice. So after the experience of the worker's "not" help of not finding the product and acting irritated throughout our interaction, I said instead, "Thank you so much for taking the time to look that up for me. I really appreciate it." Of course, I had to make a conscious decision to say this to her. I was teaching myself how to be mindful in that moment, and of course, her attitude shifted.
Store #2, same scenario. Never heard of the product, we don't have that, not moving to help me find it. Well, don't you know, I found that lonesome little product sitting on a shelf. As I approached the check out counter with product in hand there was a long, long line. I was feeling tired and thought about leaving. At that moment, the woman in front of me turned around and offered me a 25% off coupon. I accepted her gift and thanked her.
Life is a mix.
It's difficult, then it's good, then generous, then meager, then surprising, then maddening, then confusing and then joyful. We are mindful and then not mindful.
Here is my prayer around this topic:
Lord, teach me to be patient. Teach me to love even when I don't feel like loving. Teach me to listen when my first reaction is to speak. On the other hand, help me to speak up when that is the mindful action that is needed. Teach me to let the other driver go ahead. Teach me to help, and help me put into practice all that I have learned about being ever mindful of your children here on earth. We are each so very, very Precious. Let us treat each other that way.
Life is a mix. Let's slow down and be ever mindful of each other.
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