However, before you stop reading this...have HOPE!
A radio announcer significantly helped change my perspective on the idea of hope this week when she said, "Hope Requires Action".
Hope Requires Action.
Now THAT I get!
We offer hope to others and to ourselves, not by wishing for certain outcomes but by demonstrating what will stand in the gap when life disappoints.
For example, you are grieving so I offer you hope. I do that by letting you know that although you have lost a loved one, there are many here for you, right now, caring about you and your well-being. I will stand in the empty space for you. Or, when you let someone who is going through a difficult time know more about how you survived something similar, you bring them hope by sharing your survival, coping, and thriving skills.
When hope is equated with WISHING there will be FAILED outcomes. But when hope is attached to ACTION it can only serve as GOOD.
Saying, "I hope you have a good day" to someone is sort of an empty statement cuz what if they don't?! On the other hand, helping someone to have a good day brings hope to that person!
To me, this is an exciting new outlook on hope! This means that we don't have to passively and anxiously wait around for hope to deliver, but rather we can actively participate in hope to brighten the lives of our own and those around us.
Any thoughts? How can you take action to bring hope to someone today? We would love to hear from yoU in the comments section below.
In hope for loving action today,